Results for 'Gregory Banfield Moynahan'

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  1.  92
    Hermann Cohen's Das Prinzip der Infinitesimalmethode, Ernst Cassirer, and the Politics of Science in Wilhelmine Germany.Gregory B. Moynahan - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (1):35-75.
    Few texts summarize and at the same time compound the challenges of their author's philosophy so sharply as Hermann Cohen's Das Prinzip der Infinitesimalmethode und seine Geschichte . The book's meaning and style are greatly illuminated by placing it in the scientific, political, and academic context of late-nineteenth century Germany. As this context changed, so did both the reception of the philosophy of the infinitesimal and of the Marburg school more generally. A study of this transformation casts significant light on (...)
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    Warren Schmaus is Professor of Philosophy at the Illinois Institute of Technology, where he has taught since completing graduate studies in the history and philosophy of science at the University of Pittsburgh. He is the author of Durkheim's Philosophy of Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (Chicago, 1994), in additional to many articles concerning the philosophy.Gregory Moynahan, Thomas A. Ryckman & David Hyder - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (1).
  3.  43
    The Habermas/Luhmann Controversy and the “Cybernetics Moment".Gregory Moynahan - 2018 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (1):131-166.
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    Ernst Cassirer and the critical science of Germany: 1899-1919.Gregory B. Moynahan - 2013 - New York City: Anthem Press.
    Introduction "reading a mute history": Ernst Cassirer, the Marburg School and the crises of modern Germany -- The Marburg School and the politics of science in Germany -- The twentieth-century conflict of the faculties: the Marburg School and the reform of the sciences -- Cassirer and the Marburg School in the administrative and political context of the Kaiserreich -- "The supreme principles of knowledge": Cassirer's transformation of the tenets of Cohen's infinitesimal method (1882) and system of philosophy (1902-1912) -- Critical (...)
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    Ernst Cassirer, Theoretical Biology, and the Clever Hans Phenomenon.Gregory B. Moynahan - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (4):549-574.
    The ArgumentBiology, understood in turn-of-the-century Germany to include psychology, held a central but enigmatic place in the philosopher Ernst Cassirer's work. From his earliest studies with Hermann Cohen through his long engagement with the theoretical biology of Jakob von Uexküll and Adolf Meyer-Abich, Cassirer consistently used the history and practice of biology to examine and delineate a set of characteristic tensions between the natural and cultural sciences. This paper examines Cassirer's treatment of this theme by addressing two contrasting interpretations he (...)
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    Geoffrey Cocks. Psychotherapy in the Third Reich: The Göring Institute. Second edition, revised and expanded. xx + 462 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1997. $29.95. [REVIEW]Gregory Moynahan - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):733-733.
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    Michael Kaasch; Joachim Kaasch . Ordnung—Organisation—Organismus: Beitrage zur 20. Jahrestagung der DGGTB in Bonn 2011. 256 pp., illus., bibl., index. Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, 2014. €34. [REVIEW]Gregory Moynahan - 2016 - Isis 107 (2):416-417.
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    Gregory B. Moynahan. Ernst Cassirer and the Critical Science of Germany, 1899–1919. lii + 225 pp., index. London/New York: Anthem Press, 2014. $40. [REVIEW]Sascha Freyberg - 2017 - Isis 108 (2):468-470.
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    The Big Book of Concepts.Gregory Murphy - 2004 - MIT Press.
    A comprehensive introduction to current research on the psychology of concept formation and use.
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  10. Imagery and Possibility.Dominic Gregory - 2019 - Noûs 54 (4):755-773.
    We often ascribe possibility to the scenes that are displayed by mental or nonmental sensory images. The paper presents a novel argument for thinking that we are prima facie justified in ascribing metaphysical possibility to what is displayed by suitable visual images, and it argues that many of our imagery‐based ascriptions of metaphysical possibility are therefore prima facie justified. Some potential objections to the arguments are discussed, and some potential extensions of them, to cover nonvisual forms of imagery and nonmetaphysical (...)
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  11. Midgley at the intersection of animal and environmental ethics.Gregory Mcelwain - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (1):143-158.
    GREGORY McELWAIN | : This paper explores the intersection of animal and environmental ethics through the thought of Mary Midgley. Midgley’s work offers a shift away from liberal individualist animal ethics toward a relational value system involving interdependence, care, sympathy, and other components of morality that were often overlooked or marginalized in hyperrationalist ethics, though which are now more widely recognized. This is most exemplified in her concept of “the mixed community,” which gained special attention in J. Baird Callicott’s (...)
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  12. Are All Normative Judgments Desire-Like?Alex Gregory - 2017 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 12 (1):29-55.
    In this paper I first argue against one attractive formulation of the motivation argument, and against one attractive formulation of noncognitivism. I do so by example: I suggest that other-regarding normative judgments do not seem to have motivational powers and do not seem to be desires. After defending these two claims, I argue that other views can accommodate the motivational role of normative judgment without facing this objection. For example, desire-as-belief theories do so, since such theories only say that some (...)
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    Wise interventions: Psychological remedies for social and personal problems.Gregory M. Walton & Timothy D. Wilson - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (5):617-655.
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    Beyond the Call of Duty: Supererogation, Obligation, and Offence.Gregory Mellema - 1991 - State University of New York Press.
    The possibility of supererogation--doing more than one feels morally obliged to do--is denied by many thinkers.
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  15. Oswald Spengler and Martin Heidegger on Modern Science, Metaphysics, and Mathematics.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2017 - Idealistic Studies 47 (1 & 2):1-22.
    This paper argues that Oswald Spengler has an innovative philosophical position on the nature and interrelation of mathematics and science. It further argues that his position in many ways parallels that of Martin Heidegger. Both held that an appreciation of the mathematical nature of contemporary science was critical to a proper appreciation of science, technology and modernity. Both also held that the fundamental feature of modern science is its mathematical nature, and that the mathematical operates as a projection that establishes (...)
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  16. ℵ0-Categorical, ℵ0-stable structures.Gregory Cherlin, Leo Harrington & Alistair H. Lachlan - 1985 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 28 (2):103-135.
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    Stipulations Missing Axioms in Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik.Gregory Landini - 2022 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (4):347-382.
    Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik offers a conception of cpLogic as the study of functions. Among functions are included those that are concepts, i.e. characteristic functions whose values are the logical objects that are the True/the False. What, in Frege's view, are the objects the True/the False? Frege's stroke functions are themselves concepts. His stipulation introducing his negation stroke mentions that it yields [...]. But curiously no accommodating axiom is given, and there is no such theorem. Why is it that some (...)
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  18. The numbers should count.Gregory Kavka - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 36 (3):285 - 294.
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    Responding to Diffused Stakeholders on Social Media: Connective Power and Firm Reactions to CSR-Related Twitter Messages.Gregory D. Saxton, Charlotte Ren & Chao Guo - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (2):229-252.
    Social media offers a platform for diffused stakeholders to interact with firms—alternatively praising, questioning, and chastising businesses for their CSR performance and seeking to engage in two-way dialogue. In 2014, 163,402 public messages were sent to Fortune 200 firms’ CSR-focused Twitter accounts, each of which was either shared, replied to, “liked,” or ignored by the targeted firm. This paper examines firm reactions to these messages, building a model of firm response to stakeholders that combines the notions of CSR communication and (...)
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    Meinong and Russell: Some Lessons on Quantification.Gregory Landini - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (5):455-474.
    This paper explores the thesis that de re quantification into propositional attitudes has been wrongly conceived. One must never bind an individual variable in the context of a propositional attitude. Such quantification fails to respect the quantificational scaffolding of discursive thinking. This is the lesson of the Meinong–Russell debate over whether there are objects of thought about which it is true to say they are not. Respecting it helps to see how to solve contingent Liar paradoxes of propositional attitudes such (...)
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  21. Research traditions in comparative context: A philosophical challenge to radical constructivism.Gregory J. Kelly - 1997 - Science Education 81 (3):355-375.
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  22. Disinterested Love: Understanding Leibniz's Reconciliation of Self- and Other-Regarding Motives.Gregory Brown - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):265-303.
    While he was in the employ of the Elector of Mainz, between 1668 and 1671, Leibniz produced a series of important studies in natural law. One of these, dated between 1670 and 1671, is especially noteworthy since it contains Leibniz's earliest sustained attempt to develop an account of justice. Central to this account is the notion of what Leibniz would later come to call `disinterested love', a notion that remained essentially unchanged in Leibniz's work from this period to the end (...)
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    The English Plastic Bag Charge Changed Behavior and Increased Support for Other Charges to Reduce Plastic Waste.Gregory Owen Thomas, Elena Sautkina, Wouter Poortinga, Emily Wolstenholme & Lorraine Whitmarsh - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A new science of religion.Gregory W. Dawes & James Maclaurin (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume examines the diversity of new scientific theories of religion, by outlining the logical and causal relationships between these enterprises.
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  25. Rightly Ordered Appetites: How to Live Morally and Live Well.Gregory W. Trianosky - 1988 - American Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):1 - 12.
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    Eudaimonia.Gregory Wolcott - 2021 - Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics.
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  27. Human Rights and Status Functions, before and after the Enlightenment.Gregory J. Lobo - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (1):31-41.
    This article discusses John Searle’s status function account of human rights and Åsa Burman’s “A Critique of the Status Function Account of Human Rights.” While recognizing the validity of part of the critique, based on the distinction between types and tokens, the author argues that, nonetheless, one is not compelled to accept Burman’s conclusion, that “one must give up the status function account of human rights to explain how a human right can exist without collective recognition”. Specifically, the author accepts (...)
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  28. Psalm 22: Vox Christi or israelite temple liturgy?Gregory Vall - 2002 - The Thomist 66 (2):175-200.
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    The ethics of omission.Gregory Schwartz - 2019 - Think 18 (51):117-121.
    In society, power and responsibility are often linked, supporting the idea that with great power comes great responsibility. I assert that this link between power and responsibility is a form of the Act–Omission Distinction, a principle in ethics that there is a morally relevant distinction between doing something and omitting to do something, e.g. a difference between killing someone and letting someone be killed. As such, using trolleys, elected spider-men, and real-life cases such as R v Stone & Dobinson, I (...)
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    Between Data, Mathematical Analysis and Physical Theory: Research on Earth’s Magnetism in the 19th Century.Gregory A. Good - 2008 - Centaurus 50 (3):290-304.
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  31. Socrates on acrasia.Gregory Vlastos - 1969 - Phoenix 23:71-88.
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  32. Evolution without species: The case of mosaic bacteriophages.Gregory J. Morgan & W. Brad Pitts - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (4):745-765.
    College of Medicine, University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688-0002, USA wbp501{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Recent work in viral genomics has shown that bacteriophages exhibit a high degree of mosaicism, which is most likely due to a long history of prolific horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Given these findings, we argue that each of the most plausible attempts to properly classify bacteriophages into distinct species fail. Mayr's biological species concept fails because there is (...)
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  33. Unconscious Structure in Sartre and Lacan.Gregory A. Trotter - 2018 - Psychoanalytische Perspectieven 36 (4):469-482.
    Throughout his career, Jean-Paul Sartre had a contentious theoretical relationship with psychoanalysis. Nowhere is this more evident than in his criticisms of the concept of the unconscious. For him, the unconscious represents a hidden psychological depth that is anathema to the notion of human freedom. In this paper, I argue that Lacan’s conception of the unconscious-structured-like-a-language overcomes many of Sartre’s most damning objections. I demonstrate that Lacan shares with Sartre a concern to rid the psyche of hidden depths. Both thinkers (...)
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    A Pluralistic Virtue‐Centered Theory of Judging.Gregory Bassham & Olivia Ostrowski - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (1):3-20.
    Ratio Juris, Volume 35, Issue 1, Page 3-20, March 2022.
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    In what senses should we see John Stuart Mill as a socialist?Gregory Conti - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (1):176-178.
    Scholars of many stripes will profit from Helen McCabe’s John Stuart Mill, Socialist: not only specialists in Mill or the nineteenth century, but all who are interested in considering perennial que...
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    Mendel the fraud? A social history of truth in genetics.Gregory Radick - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93 (C):39-46.
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  37. Reality tables: virtual furniture.Gregory Ulmer - 2002 - In Darren Tofts, Annemarie Jonson & Alessio Cavallaro (eds.), Prefiguring Cyberculture: An Intellectual History. MIT Press. pp. 110--129.
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  38. Realism versus instrumentalism in a new statistical framework.Gregory M. Mikkelson - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (4):440-447.
    In this paper, I offer a new defense of scientific realism, tailored for the Akaikean paradigm of statistical hypothesis testing. After proposing definitions of verisimilitude and predictive success, I use computer simulations to show how the latter depends on the former, even in the kind of case featured in a recent argument for instrumentalism.
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  39. Válka o prsten očima filosofů.Gregory Bassham & Eric Bronson - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58:301-304.
    [The war for a ring through the eyes of philosophers].
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    The response of a theologian to Charles Taylor's a secular age.Gregory Baum - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (3):363-381.
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    Word and Sacrament in the Church.Gregory Baum - 1963 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 38 (2):190-200.
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    Tina Asmussen, Lucas Burkart, Hole Rößler. Theatrum Kircherianum. Wissenskulturen und Bücherwelten im 17. Jahrhundert.Stephan Gregory - 2014 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 37 (3):288-291.
    Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2013. 314 S., geb., € 42,00. ISBN 978‐3‐447‐10006‐9. Daniel Stolzenberg,­ Egyptian Oedipus: Athanasius Kircher and the Secrets of Antiquity, Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press 2013. XI, 307 S., Ill., $ 50,00. ISBN 978‐0‐226‐92414‐4.
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  43. Developing emotions : Aristotle's Rhetoric II.2-11.Gregory Recco - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  44. pt. III. Folds. From affection to soul.Gregory J. Seigworth - 2005 - In Charles J. Stivale (ed.), Gilles Deleuze: Key Concepts. Ithaca: Routledge.
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    The Ethics of Nature in the Middle Ages: On Boccaccio's Poetaphysics.Gregory B. Stone & Stone - 1998 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this volume, the author argues that mediaeval thinkers had a way of calling humankind natural without implying that humans are bound by a universal, a historical essence. He seeks to show that in the Middle Ages nature and history were not regarded polar opposites. Using Boccaccio's theory of poiesis as a focal point, he offers fresh interpretations of the works covered, particularly of Boccaccio's writings.
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    Trinity as Circumscription of Divine Love according to Friedrich Schleiermacher.Gregory A. Walter - 2008 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 50 (1):62-74.
    SUMMARYSchleiermacher's doctrine of the Trinity is constituted not only by his Glaubenslehre but also in Über den Gegensatz zwischen der Sabellianischen und der Athanasianischen Vorstellung von der Trinität . Schleiermacher can be seen to construe the persons of the Trinity as the circumscription of divinity. This point leads to consideration of divine wisdom as the ground of both the immanent and economic Trinity.
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    Broadening the View of Catholic Social Teaching and the Cost of Pharmaceuticals.Gregory K. Webster - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (4):709-723.
    Catholic Social Teaching, in considering economic and patient justice, calls for “participating in patient care.” Corporations often are accused of not paying their fair share, which in turn has led to demands for government regulation to lower drug prices in the United States. Meanwhile, the millions of dollars spent by pharmaceutical foundations to help lower-income patients is not seen as corporations’ taking such responsibility to assist patients. The view that CST demands lower costs for prescription pharmaceuticals from corporations that make (...)
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  48. Three Dialectical Relationships and the Necessity of Critique in Theodore Adorno's Works.Gregory B. Sadler - 1999 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 3 (1).
    This paper examines critical theorist Theodore Adorno's approach to dialectics and critique in his works Against Epistemology and Negative Dialectics. It considers three diads or polarities that Adorno considers to have been neglected by philosophy during Modernity: society and individual; subject and object; and entity and concept. Then it explores the necessity for philosophical critique, both of others and of oneself carried out through the equivocal concept of thought.
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    The Rehabilitation of Adam Smith for Catholic Social Teaching.Gregory Wolcott - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):57-82.
    Catholic Social Teaching takes a rather cautious view toward the value of the ideas of Adam Smith, due to his emphasis on negative political and economic liberty. Detractors of Smith within CST point to what they consider to be deficiencies within his works: an impoverished moral anthropology, a lack of concern for the common good, and markets untethered to human needs. Defenders of Smith within CST tend to emphasize the material benefits that derive from Smithian institutions, such as economic growth, (...)
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    Primate Language and the Playback Experiment, in 1890 and 1980.Gregory Radick - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (3):461-493.
    The playback experiment -- the playing back of recorded animal sounds to the animals in order to observe their responses -- has twice become central to celebrated researches on non-human primates. First, in the years around 1890, Richard Garner, an amateur scientist and evolutionary enthusiast, used the new wax cylinder phonograph to record and reproduce monkey utterances with the aim of translating them. Second, in the years around 1980, the ethologists Peter Marler, Robert Seyfarth, and Dorothy Cheney used tape recorders (...)
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